1942, March 15: U.S. War Department: the "normal" person

Allan Bérubé, in Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II, reports that expanded psychiatric sections were added to the revision of U.S. Army mobilization regulations, including a new paragraph, written by psychiatrist, and National Research Council committee member, Lawerence Kubie. It was entitled "Sexual Perversion," and established the Army's antihomosexual screening procedures for the rest of the war. Bérubé adds:

The 1942 regulation for the first time defined both the homosexual and the "normal" person, listed telltale signs of homosexuality, and clarified procedures for rejecting gay draftees.

Bérubé continues:

The regulation further defined sexual deviance by describing the sexually "normal" man as one who had a "conventional attitude toward sexual problems." It listed three possible signs for identifhying male homosexuals. . .: "feminine bodily characteristics," "effeminacy in dress and manner," and a "patulous [expanded] rectum." All three of these markers linked homosexuality with effeminacy or sexually "passive" anal intercourse and ignored gay men who were masculine or "active" in anal inercourse.[1] 

Implicitly, the normal man was defined as stereotypically "masculine" in bodily characteristics, dressed and acted in a masculine manner, sported a tight ass hole, and in his sexual relations with women rejected any act that could possibly be perceived as passive.

Bérubé adds:

The 1942 Army regulation also introduced a procedure for handling the man who voluntarily "admits or claims homosexuality." By mid-1941, self-declared gay men already had made up the majority of those rejected for homosexuality by the Selective Service in New York City. Examiners feared that heterosexual men also would claim to be homosexual to avoid military service. The 1942 Army standards addressed this problem by requiring examiners to send the self-declared gay selectee back to his local draft board for a "social investigation" into his backgroound to determine whether he was truly homosexual or just a [heterosexual] malinger.

Bérubé concludes: 

Fearing that masses of young men would now claim to obe homosexual to escape the draft, hard-line military officials argued for the necessity of maintaining a widespread revulsion toward homosexuality both inside and outside the military to determ potential malingers.[2]

[1]  Allan Bérubé, Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II (NY: Free Press/Macmillian, 1990), page 19, note 32 on page 293, citing: Subsection 93(b), "Sexual Perversions," section 20, "Psychoses, Psychoneuroses, Personality Disorders," Mobilization Regulation No. 1-9, Standards of Physical Examination During Mobilization, War Department, Washington, March 15, 1942.

Berube's note goes on to cite a later revision: Subsection 98(d)(1), "Psychopathic personalities," section 21, "Psychoses, Psychoneuroses, Personality Disorders," Mobilization Regulations No. 1-9, "Standards of Physical Examination During Mobilization," War Department, Washington, April 19, 1944.

He also cites: Subcommittee on War Neuroses, National Research Council, Folder: "NRC, Committee on Neuropsychiatry, Revision M.R. 1-9," Box 13, Papers of Dr. Winfred Overholser in either the National Archives, Washington, DC, or the Washington National Records Center, Suitland, MD.

[2] Bérubé, Coming Out, page 20, note 38 on page 294 citing "Homosexuals in Uniform," Newsweek, June 9, 1947, p. 54.