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Augustus Granville Dill

Augustus Granville Dill was born on November 30, 1882, in Portsmouth, Ohio. He earned B.A.s from Atlanta University and Harvard University, and went on to earn an M.A. from Harvard under the mentorship of W.E.B. Du Bois. He co-edited important social science articles about racial inequality under Jim Crow with Du Bois and, after graduation, worked as an associate professor of sociology in Atlanta. At Du Bois's request, he moved to New York City and became business manager of The Crisis, the official magazine of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. He worked there until 1928, when he was arrested for homosexual activity in a public restroom and was forced to resign. He then worked as a pianist, music teacher, and bookstore operator. In 1951, he moved to Louisville, Kentucky, to live with his widowed sister, and died on March 8, 1956, at age 73. The exhibit Profiles of Ten LGBT Activists for Social Justice, 2013/2017, by Rich Wilson shares more about Dill’s life and work.